Preventing Educator Sexual Misconduct

Educator sexual misconduct is an epidemic in the United States.

Nearly 1 in 10 students report being the target of unwanted sexual attention from a school employee by the time they graduate high school.

No school is immune to misconduct. Every type of school - private, public, religious, and charter schools - is at risk. Every area of the country is affected. Students of every socio-economic level, age, race, ethnicity, and academic ability are targeted for abuse.

Then why is this topic still “the elephant in the room?”

Why is it still taboo to talk about? If this is a problem that affects all of us, why aren’t we having conversations about it with everyone?

We believe that all children deserve to be safe at school. All children deserve an education free from sexual manipulation, harassment, and abuse, especially from people in a position of authority and trust.

It’s time to talk about The Elephant.

Educator sexual misconduct is a systemic problem. But we can ALL be part of the solution.

The Elephant Alliance has taken a critical look at each part of the broken system, and pinpointed research-backed prevention strategies for every step of the way.

We offer specialized professional development sessions for your organization.

Together, we can prevent educator sexual misconduct.

Join The Elephant Alliance.