Knowledge is power.

We all need to be armed with 3 things to prevent educator sexual misconduct:

  1. The knowledge of how grooming occurs in schools

  2. The awareness to detect it

  3. The confidence to report it

Please explore our resource section with this goal in mind!

The Research

Click here to explore the bibliography for The Elephant Alliance professional development sessions.

Media Portrayals

Historically, media portrayals of student/teacher “relationships” have been unrealistic or romanticized in harmful, damaging ways. An ever-growing army of authors, artists, filmmakers, documentarians, and content creators are “talking about the elephant” in meaningful and extremely powerful ways. Click here to discover more!

Other Organizations

We are stronger together! Please click here to check out some other amazing organizations who are committed to preventing educator sexual misconduct.

How to Report

“Doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but it is always right.”

If you suspect an educator is committing sexual misconduct - or if you are the target of abuse and want to report it - we have resources to support you.

For Targets

If you are a person who has been targeted by a teacher or other school staff member, we are here to support you. Maybe you had a relationship with a teacher and are looking for some clarity. This section also has resources for you if one of your friends or someone you know is in a relationship with a teacher.

Age of Consent Laws

***Under construction!***

An enormous challenge we face in preventing educator sexual misconduct is insufficient age of consent laws. Confusingly, each state has different laws, different criminal charges associating with breaking those laws, and wildly different sentencing. Click here to learn more about age of consent laws in your state.