“Compliant victim” is a problematic term.

This term originated in law enforcement circles. To the layperson, the word “compliant” implies that the victim did not resist, and therefore must have consented.

In reality, “compliant” does not mean “consented.” The term “compliant victim” is used to describe a situation where the victim of the crime is not under a direct threat of violence, force, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Targets of educator sexual misconduct often fall into the “compliant victim” category because they are acting under the influence of intense manipulation.

Tragically, there are instances of forced, violent rape by predatory teachers. In many cases, a student will be groomed into “compliance” at first, and then as they age and mature, they begin to resist their abuse and the assaults become more violent in nature as their abuser struggles for control.

It is important to remember that in the relationship between a teacher and a student, there is a complete imbalance of power. Teachers are older and have more life experience. Teachers are in a position of authority within the school building. Teachers are granted societal trust from the community.

That power imbalance is secondary to this fact: children are unable to consent to sexual activity with adults because of their age. The neurobiological development of a child and their lack of life experience make consent impossible.

Consensual relationships between teachers and students do not exist.