Patty Sampson

Co-founder, The Elephant Alliance, LLC

A native of Joliet, Illinois, Patty Sampson earned her undergraduate degree in music from DePaul University and Master's degree in Music Education from Northwestern University.  After graduating from DePaul, Miss Sampson began teaching at Jacobs HS in Algonquin, where she taught for 5 years. Miss Sampson then moved to Mundelein HS, where she taught concert bands, jazz bands, show choir combo and directed the pit orchestra for the musicals.  

Currently in her thirtieth year of teaching and her nineteenth year at West Aurora HS, Miss Sampson conducts Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Band.  Under Miss Sampson’s direction, one of her jazz bands has been named Honor Band at the Purdue Jazz Festival 8 years of the last 9 years.  Miss Sampson is a frequent adjudicator and clinician in the Chicagoland area.

Miss Sampson was named the Kane County High School Teacher of the Year in 2022, has been recognized in Who's Who Among American Teachers five times, was named Most Inspirational Teacher at Eastern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, and Illinois State University, Phi Delta Kappa Teacher of the Year, Lake County and was a Grammy Nominee and Quarterfinalist in 2014 and a Grammy Nominee for the 2017 Grammys.

Miss Sampson lives in Aurora with two very sweet rescued pitbulls.
